
How you can help

  • 71% of the planet is covered by water, but only 3% is fresh water. Much of it is frozen, trapped in polar ice caps, glaciers, underground, in the atmosphere or too polluted for consumption. Only 0.03% is drinkable and easily accessible water, found in rivers, lakes, dams, and reservoirs.
  • Tap water has a cost of collection, treatment, and distribution. We need to save water, both to protect resources and the environment, and to reduce costs reflected in household utility bills.
  • By preventing water waste, we promote the sustainability of our planet and ensure the supply for future generations.

Here’s what you can do, right now:

  • Keep the faucet off when brushing your teeth (guys – and while shaving ).
  • Take short showers.
  • Avoid high-pressure showers.
  • Turn on the washing machine only when it’s fully loaded.
  • Notify the administrator if you see taps or toilets losing water.

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